Medical Technology
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Our team takes that adage seriously, investing in cutting-edge medical technology to detect disease earlier and providing more tailored treatment options for our patients.
Dental X-Ray
A new digital X-ray sensor for the Mobile Health Dental unit was purchased through a grant from the Florida Association of Free Charitable Clinics (FAFCC). This unit was installed May 7, 2019, and made more than 2,000 X-rays possible for Ascension St. Vincent’s patients.
3D Mobile Mammography
Ascension St. Vincent’s Mobile Mammography has provided more than 34,000 mammograms since the launch of the initiative in 2002.
In 2019, 3D Digital Mammography with Smart Curve Technology was purchased thanks to gifts from the Rice Family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shircliff. This new technology allowed for the following improvements compared to previous mammogram technologies:
- 40 percent increase in invasive cancer detection
- 20 percent reduction in false positives
- 40 percent less radiation
- 93 percent patients reported improved comfort
Ascension St. Vincent’s has made all of these new innovations available by investing $1 million in a new Mobile Mammography unit which will make this resource accessible throughout the communities who need it the most beginning in 2020.