Our Leadership Team
Our team is comprised of dedicated professionals who work daily to support Ascension St. Vincent’s and bridge the gaps in healthcare for our community’s most vulnerable individuals and families. Although we all have different backgrounds and areas of expertise, we have one thing in common: a passion for ensuring that our underinsured neighbors receive the quality, compassionate healthcare they deserve.
Susan DuChanois
Lead Foundation Development and Executive Support
Darren White
Director of Donor Relations & Stewardship
Tina Calloway Roberson
Foundation Marketing Manager
Mary Anne Thomas, CFRE
Director, Major Gifts
Paul Poirrier
Director of Development, Major and Planned Giving
Rebecca Timberlake
Foundation Development Manager
Merry Walker
Foundation Finance Manager
Shyann Foster
Foundation Development Specialist
Board of Directors
Andrea Laliberte, Chair
Don King, President & CEO, Ascension Florida
Jean Grimsley, Vice President
Richard "Dick" Erickson, Secretary
Abdi Abbassi, M.D.
Matthew Chang
Ali Chahlavi, M.D.
W. Robinson "Rob" Frazier, III
David Koehler, M.D.
David Kulik
Aly Leeper
Bill Mayher
John Otterson
Patty Otterson
Saumil Oza, M.D.
Thomas R. “Mac” McGehee Jr., Honorary
Marcia C. Morales, Honorary
C. Daniel "Dan" Rice, Honorary
Bob Shircliff, Honorary
Mary Virginia Terry, Honorary
Michael Zambetti, Honorary